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Can't think any more, last two to get.....

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askyourgran | 18:15 Sat 23rd Oct 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
25d Some learned to a degree in America (7) A-Y-L-E

29d In France I hesitate to show contempt by derision. (4) _E_R


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29 jeer
29d: To show contempt by derision is to JEER but I'll leave it to someone else to suggest how the rest of the clue fits!
25d anywise
I must learn to type faster!
Je is French for I, Er is hesitation
In France I = Je
Hesitation = er
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Thank you all very much I've been sat studying those two for a while, I was working on the premise that 'In' was french part of the clue for 29d. I had a letter wrong in 25d Anywise it is. I was trying to make out a place in America. Doh.

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Can't think any more, last two to get.....

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