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How will Religion evolve?

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rov1200 | 11:33 Fri 03rd Sep 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
24 Answers
Religion has said only to existed for 30,000 years but mankind has been on the planet for much longer than this. Many of the recent wars have involved religion with one trying to dominate the other.

Can we expect the dominant religions to crush the weaker ones so that we are left with only the most powerful ones standing?

///Religion appears to have been around for as long as 30,000 years. Some of the cave art produced in Europe up to 30,000 years ago appears to have been of religious origin. Also, some human fossils from this period were ritually buried, providing further evidence of religious activity. This evidence is described in some detail by Richard Leakey in The Origin of Humankind (1994). ///


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oddly enough i read that quote the other day, yes, indeed.
Religion MAY evolve, but the TRUE religion is fixed...

(Ephesians 4:4-6) One body there is, and one spirit, even as YOU were called in the one hope to which YOU were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all [persons], who is over all and through all and in all.

This scripture denies that people can worship God in various ways.

Revelation in the Bible says that the combined governments of the world will eliminate religion...and big business will look on and be amazed...
All the governments of the world will support a combined force...and the nearest thing to this now is the U.N.
So far it has not been given the power the prophecy is future.
Revelation chapter 18.

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