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miming so what x factor

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deggers316 | 11:11 Mon 25th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
cheryl cole in the news for mining her record on x factor?
well the contestants opening song before there individual performance was obviously mimed and to top it all the so called "fantastic" Bublé made it clear he mimed his song even holding the mike in his right hand away from himself while singing facing left ,!
its standard nowadays, i can live with it.


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Britney Spears seems to never sing fact how do we know it's even her singing on the records?
Miming or not, does it matter? The girl can't sing and that new release is even worse than the first one. And Danni looks so classy compared to Chavvy Cheryl.

End of rant! ;o)
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buble can sing so why did he mime
not a fan of coles lofty but she can sing, if you saw the piers Morgan interview in her early career showed.
actually i quite like the upbeat new song of hers but each to their own
She forgot to put her skirt on though!! ;o)

She has obviously forgotten how to sing.

They are calling her the nation's sweetheart? What is that all about?
ps Didn't see the Piers Morgan interview, I am no far of Piers or Cheryls.
Michael Buble was on Radio 2 this morning and has a cold - maybe that was the reason.
back in the TOTP days, after the miming arguments, the BBC used to say that the artists recorded their performance prior to the broardcast and then mimed during the 'Live' recording and or broardcast to avoid mistakes
I think it depends a bit on what kind of song they are singing but in general I think nobody should mime. Unless the singer is doing a lively dance routine which would make the singing sound crud then they should sing live. I mean they have the technology that could even make my voice sound half decent these days if it's pre-recorded. If you can sing then you should prove it. Otherwise what's the point in being there, they may aswell just play the CD.
she was terrible, the song was dreadful too, Michael Buble was miming and he looked as though his legs didn't belong to him ,
bring back Sunday Night at the London
Cheryl has nothing to prove though. She can sing, she's already proved that already in her Pop Idol days.

Nowadays, if she feels the need to put on a show rather than show off her vocal talents- then why not?
sorry pop stars- the rivals, not pop idols
If she doesn't want to sing then she should become a dancer. This isn't just my opinion of her, it's what I think about them all. There are alot of people that have spent alot of money on her products and put her in the position she is in now so I feel if she can sing (can't remember her pop idol days so I couldn't comment on that) then she should. It gives more to a performance if the artist actually sings the song. If it was an upbeat number then semi-mime and do your dancing, and then do another song which shows off your vocal talent. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike her I just think it's the easy option.
That's what im getting at. If you could take an easy option on anything, wouldn't you take it?

She was given the option of whether to sing live or not and she chose not to.
BOO I think she has been over exposed and the Brits are great at building people up and then knocking them down, too much Cheryl is bad for the digestive system..:-0)
I probably would yeah, but I'm not being paid £££££££ to do my job. I guess if the Cheryl fans (or others for that matter) don't care then I shouldn't either really.
BOO, sorry but I don't agree. She can hold a tune as a lot of us can (even me) but she is not talented in the singing department any more than I am. However, I don't look like her so noone wants to listen to me or see me parading around in ridiculous outfits.

By the way I got a certificate for singing from The Guildhall School of Music, London. (Won't mention that I was only 9!!)

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miming so what x factor

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