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the freak | 21:59 Tue 13th Sep 2005 | Music
3 Answers
in the green day song 'she' does anyone know if there is an extra person in it doing backing vocals? it's just that in the 'scream at me until my ears bleed' part it sounds like a woman singing in th background, or is that Mike dirnt or tre cool singing in a particularly high/nasal voice? seems stupid to pay another person to sing such a small part that the othetr guys could eaily do themselves, but it really sounds like a woman!


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No I'm pretty sure it's just the (coolest band ever lol) band. I've got it playing now and I dont hear a woman
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oh, ok, sorry i must be crazy. :D
lol, don't be sorry. These kind of question keep me awake at night, sometimes you just have to know don't you? :)

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