Ma-in-Law received her renewed blue badge today and I read the leaflet that came with it. It seems (provided she is in the car) we don't have to pay the London congestion charge, may park on double and single yellow lines for up to 3 hours, get free parking at most public car parks, don't have to pay the M6 toll, freebie over the Severn goes on. She is disabled for goodness sake, not impoverished. Why shouldn't we pay the going rate?
As Ratter and Shedman have said you still have to pay in most car parks around this area ,Notts, the only advantage being the bays are bigger and usually near to the shops
hi mc mouse. As i said - having ablue badge DOES NOT entitle you to free severn bridge crossing, m6 toll etc. You have to be on the higher rate of mobility dla (as you pointed out yourself) that is not the same as having a blue badge. For example if you have applied for DLA/aa after you are 64 you cant get the mobility component, but you can get a blue badge