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bobjugs12 | 23:06 Thu 28th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Lads, the ladies are about to start fighting again. Now i've invested in a big paddling pool full of baby oil, and there is a crate of beer chilling in the fridge. If somebody else wants to get a couple of pizzas in we can sit back and watch the fun.


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mamy you will love scotland,,,,,,,,,,we have horizontal rain !
Cor!! This all looks very interesting have I missed much?
I made 2 great big Bread Puddings today enough to go around (will put hairs on your chest) got a couple of flagons of cider so i'm set
When's it all kicking off then?

jem eh-hum I mean - jim
Get down the shed bob, I'll have a Stella.
TT would you deny me some time in the sun with a beau ? Have my Damart thermals and of course just the make up bag for France, suppose anything goes in London.
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Oh for gawds sake!
This was supposed to be a place where we could vent our testosterone fuelled frustrations, comment on the lady ABers baps, scratch our arses and discuss football. Instead it turns into 'Mark the aging lotharios Palace of Lurve' and has more birds than blokes.

So I'll say it again. All those who sit down to pee.....theres a shoe sale on in town, and they are giving away free chocolate at Thorntons next door. Hurry or you'll miss it!
> Instead it turns into 'Mark the aging lotharios Palace of Lurve'
> suppose anything goes in London

I'll take you here on the first evening, just to get you in the mood for France:
Wow, just hope sqad does not see this as I turned him down earlier, LOL
> Wow, just hope sqad does not see this as I turned him down earlier, LOL

That's a lady's prerogative...
Well of course it is and am flattered by all the attention, it could turn a ladies head you know, (Mamya blushes)

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