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March for honour

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nicolab6 | 21:57 Sat 30th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

Have a look - a remarkable group of people trying to achieve an amazing feat. I am sure they would welcome any support you could offer.



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my £100.00 has been donated...good luck lads 100% respect to you all and a fantastic post nicolab6...
Why Nicolab, is support for UK troops and the campaign in Afghanistan so low key? During every other campaign the UK forces have been involved in there has been full coverage and support from the British media, government and people. The whole nation has been rallied to support the efforts of the armed forces against the Germans, Argentines, IRA, Serbs etc. Yet the campaign in Afghanistan is only briefly touched upon by the media or government. Why is support limited to efforts like this?
andyvon i beg to differ there what about the march for heroes campaign and the poppy appeal will provide for the most recent conflicts...just think how the poor folk of the first world war felt...not much media coverage,no monetary help for the families of the brave soldiers/airmen that were killed in action no post traumatic stress help,no councelling yes it was a different world then but surely for the people of that time it was no different than how people feel today...but with no help from any quarter....maybe the people today are a lot better off than our forefathers and i dont mean that to be disrespectful to todays armed forces families,i saw action in n.i and the ''first'' gulf war and i guess im lucky that my family have not had to rely on the sterling efforts of todays fundraisers..every 1 of them deserves to be recognised for their efforts...
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Andyvon -I wish I knew. I am amazed that they have not yet reached the million, but i am hopeful support will increase once the start and publicity really kicks in.

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March for honour

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