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Paint colour.....

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ummmm | 10:41 Mon 01st Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I have decided, as I'm decorating the hallway that I would like a feature wall. I'm painting it a neutral colour. The feature wall will be the one above the stairs. I've asked OH to come to B&Q and let them scan his hair.......

Is this a good idea??


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Fraid not. Now, I'm going to have a nice strong coffee and some ginger-nuts (yes, really!)
11:01 Mon 01st Nov 2010
Well they say they can match anything these days and if you keep some if he goes grey you can touch him up...
Yes, if it's as beautiful a colour as I think it might be (us gingers have to stick together!)
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Lol....good thinking :-)
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Ginger world domination..!!
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wow that's defo a ginger!

are they going to put his head in the scanner then
If he stood in front of the wall it would look like he was bald.
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Is that wrong? He said he didn't mind and I thought it'll put a smile on our faces walking down the stairs in the morning.
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As in a 'look at the Lady Veg we're living with' kinda way :-)
Eek! Just thought- when I was much younger, an aunt "borrowed" me, dragged me into a woolshop and asked for several ounces of wool "exactly like this" .
Question Author mines not an original thought. Bummer :-(
Fraid not. Now, I'm going to have a nice strong coffee and some ginger-nuts (yes, really!)
eating gingernuts as I am posting...darkened my hair from the lovely copper of a few weeks back...will definitely be hitting the ginger again before christmas
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Who's up for being scanned???? I am going to do this...!!!
i've been scanned i'm not human apparently

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Paint colour.....

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