Following on from AOG's thread - why do we British (and it does seem to be only us!) have the 'Monday / Friday' Feeling?
As far as I can tell, we British are unique in treating the working week as some form of purgatory that has to be endured and suffered in order to 'earn' a weekend off, which we then spend moaning because it is all over too quickly!
This manifests itself in people moaning because "It's Monday ..." and suffering until Thursday or Friday, when the phrase becomes "Better now it's Friday ..." before the pre-week grump about work which ruins Sundays.
I feel as though I am unique because i do not, and never have felt this way.
I know i am lucky to have a job I enjoy - but it has not always been the case, but even so, i have never seen work as an ordeal to got through, and the weekend as a meagre reward for all that 'suffering'.
I feel the same on a Monday as i do on Friday, and every day of the week - fine, and i enjoy my weekends, and never think about work on Monday.
So why do we whinge about our working week when other nations do not appear to think like this?
Do we all just love moaning? Is it a habit passed down through generations, adopted without thought?
Does anyone else feel the odd one out because they don't moan?
i hate tuesdays more cos you get monday out of the way thin ace is tuesday then realise your not even halfway through the week and the weekend seems years away
yep tuesdays are rubbish !!!!!!!!!!!!! most rubbish night on the box as well
My Sundays were always family days of great tradition according to the season and stages of my life. A special, calmer day of the week like no other. Mondays were always the start of a whole new week, but never just a means to get to the next weekend. I think it almost criminal to wish away 1/7th of our life. If people dread the reality of a Monday then they must have weekends very different to mine! Now, I never know what day of the week it is.