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I went to the doctor this morning

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dustypuss | 16:46 Mon 01st Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
He said that I had middle age spread . Yipeeeeee I going to live to be 104 yrs old !

Would you like to know the time and date that you are going to depart this mortale coil


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is it twins or triplets ?
17:15 Mon 01st Nov 2010
Last time I was admitted to hospital the doctor asked how many years I'd been a smoker. When I replied "48" he said "No not how old are you"..........I could have kissed him.
Why not...could at least plan properly have the pish up before I die and spend every last penny and then some.... and just to be contrary kill myself the week before just to prove it wrong
I'm not departing with anything that sounds that disgusting ;-)

not sure I'd like to make it to be 104 though... I'd be dribbling more than now.
> I'm not departing with anything that sounds that disgusting ;-)

I think the OP probably means 'shuffle off' rather than 'depart'...
thank you for clearing that up Markrae, ive never spoke to Dustypuss before, good to know he has a coil to cling onto and a bill of good health.
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is it twins or triplets ?
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Quads !
wel I didn't want to be cheeky. :-)
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only if its going to be in 30 years and not next week.
Doc, in that case we all will be going too.

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I went to the doctor this morning

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