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One should love animals.

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McMouse | 14:35 Tue 02nd Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
116 Answers
They are so tasty.


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It was just that once, jeez.
Not going where?

I just asked what difference it would make because if you don't think it'll make a difference then it just looks like brown nosing...

Just my opinion though..
I'm sure Dolly doesn't remember it in quite the same way...
That's not what ewe said before... Didcha see what I did there? didcha?!

Thanks folks, I'm here all week, try the fish! ;0)

<Gets coat>
Classic response of someone caught in the act. "I've never done anything like this before, Your Honour, really!"
At least Naz had the decency to eat it after he 'ate' it pmsl...
brown nosing because I have an opinion, no ummm,
but I will leave it there
Okay which one of you buggers shot that stag?
'... to eat it after he 'ate' it pmsl... '

^^^ You are such a wrong-un! ;oP
Almost like those free tasters you get in a Tesco promotion.
Cheers vibes, appreciated, matey.........was only trying to help you get the 50 posts you wanted. Think Ed saw your post and figured i ticked you off, to which i know and you know, i did'nt.

If he wants to ban me for trying helping out, then so be me an excuse not to post again i suppose, eh?
Beth dych ch'n galw dafad wedi'i chlymu wrth bolyn lamp yng Nghaerdydd? Canolfan hamdden.

(What do you call a sheep tied to a lamp post in Cardiff? A leisure centre).
still in topic Mikey , and why
Sorry ummmm,but do your remarks ie "brownnosing refer to what bobbi said ?
If so,this,under the new rules, could be construed as criticism and liable to having a
post removed !!
I'll cope :-)
dg I would just leave it there if I were you, absolutely not worth it imo ;-)

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One should love animals.

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