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fao yogi

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zzxxee | 15:45 Wed 03rd Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
90 Answers
when are you going to post one of your song mix tune things on here so we can all have a butchers ???? x


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it's not you he's saying anything against sall pet, it's me
-- answer removed --
No - he's saying good day (as in goodbye) to me. Saying I am being tainted.

I shall go home all upset now.
I am as happy as ever pet x

anyway, where were we?
Oh, okay then - posts crossed.

I think you're both good guys. So I'm ducking out now. About time I got some work done anyway - nearly home time!!!
your'e tainted for being friendly with moi
Salla how's the detox going?
catchya soon sall
Ooh - personal question, have got to answer or it would be most rude.
Sorry Yoges for going off thread....

Ok fluffs. Day 4 of AA (alcohol abstince, not alcoholics anonymous). I'm feeling.... pure. But - Lil's for tea tonight, so there may be a lapse .
ha ha, i wouldn;' mind betting you dont; make it out of lil's without having a drink or two....

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fao yogi

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