I hated jumping jacks when I was little. The boys used to throw them at all the girls !
We have loads of fireworks round us, a month before and a month after and then they start again around Christmas and carry on until the new year....It's one chap who if fixated with them
if you live near me hc you'd see a lot tomorrow.
mr CRX and his mate are like 2 schoolkids and have bought loads. We are actually having a party at ours tomorrow and then at theirs saturday, with everyone bringing food / fireworks
as for hearing them, we have had loads around here. some at lunchtimes so you know its kids messing about :(
hc4361, Haven't you got a local Firework Display on? they nearly always are quite good. Southend on Sea do spectacular displays every Saturday in thewinter mnths and this w/end something special. Hot drinks, jacket potatoe,toffee apples, roundabouts for the kids ausage rolls, meat pies.
The place where we had all our order with were getting our stuff in yesterday, called them in afternoon and they said it hadnt arrived but was coming today instead.
Just gone round there and they say they missed the cutoff point for orders. Not at all happy with that as where are we going to get what we need by tomorrow night now :(
Guy Fawkes night is not observed in Canada, except for Newfoundland, and even there it's dying out. Here's a story about one town that had to cancel it this year.
come and live here! I am deeply fed up with the fireworks that started on 30th oct and are happening every night. Even though I have tranks for the dogs which work fairly well, I can't keep giving them "just in case" also a couple of nights they have worn off before the arses start letting them off at midnight.
It is a tradition over here that neighbourhood groups and local municipalites put on firework displays On May 24, Queen Victoria's birthday. Of course you get the usual hooligans running rampantly amok with them.
There's been a fair few around about here and the dogs get frightened which is a shame. There's usually a few good organised displays and expect to see a lot more tomoz
I think it is the recession as (thankfully) I haven't heard any at all where I live. I have seen a few in the night sky in the distance but none closer. Fortunately my dogs don't bother, but I know many that do. I wish to god they would restrict them to organised displays so people know when they are going to happen.