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1$ a week rent!

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lumination | 14:42 Fri 05th Nov 2010 | News
11 Answers
maybe when im in Oz in March i should make my way here eh?!


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It seems to be in the middle of a desert and hundred of miles from anywhere. They should be paying you to stay there.
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doesnt seem to bad if you want to be out the way... very out the way...
Hell, i'll move there!

I'm just off to dig out a family photo, quite why they want that is beyond me, but anyhoo!
and just in case you're wondering what the local pastime is, B00...
If you can live somewhere called 'Trundle' with a straight face, good on ya, lol.
I'm been looking at other sites, there's 5 farms on offer, they're not that bad, well for a dollar a week anyway.

all joking aside, the town does look quite nice, if a little sleepy, i'd definitely seriously thing about applying if I lived in Oz.
not too remote for the yellow fellow of Street view.{keyword
And jno, yuck!
hey, B00, did you see the tattoo I spotted yesterday?

Definitely coming your way soon.
oh hahaha, told ya, we're destined to be together. If only he knew!
rumour has it he's got the name tattooed on one side, the address on the other, so now he's just waiting for Parcelforce to pick him up and deliver him to you...

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