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Preacher Abu Hamza wins British passport appeal!!

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berniecuddles | 19:28 Fri 05th Nov 2010 | News
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give it 5 years and he will be our prime minister!!


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AOG, stop going on as though you and the BNP/EDL are the last line of defence against Islam. Hamza is in prison and probably has about a dozen supporters, not enough to take over the UK. I'll let you know when it's time to take cover!
He's being sought by the US for extradition on suspicion of setting up a terrorist camp over there - however, I don't understand the decision made on the grounds that taking away his British passport would make him a stateless person. What are the implications of that? - and since he became British (and allegedly the Egyptians will refuse to have him back) can't his nationality just be revoked? On the other hand if he goes somewhere else other than the US, he sounds like he will stir up trouble there too. This is neither racist or anti-Islamic, the guy's a trouble-maker.
"They just love to label anyone who dares to speak out, here's a few they can pick from.

BNP, EDL, EDP, Nazi, Fascist, Racist. "


Nazi ... Godwin'd yourself ... Auto-fail, sorry.
It appears that he obtained his British passport by marring a British subject.

Is the time long overdue, that if a British subject marries a foreign national, then he or she should be held responsible for any crimes that their partner commits against the state.

After all it is them who brought them to this country.
Him and his kind would not get away with their hate filled rants against the British in any other country in the world, we are just far too soft, political correctness has a lot to answer for........same with the hate-filled protesters at the trial of the muslim woman who stabbed the MP, they should have been arrested and...ahem...dealt with - just as any brit doing the same thing in a muslim country would have been
So, let me get this straight, if a Christian says something about a Muslim he is a racist, but if the Muslim says something about the Christian, he can say what he likes he is not a racist. Have I got that right? Also,I have never spent time abroad and so I have not got a passport. Does that make me stateless?
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they don't like man united fans because of the devil in the badge :)
Birdie, of course the racist argument is weak, feeble and nonsensical, but it's the only one that those who support the dubious rights of extremist Muslims to plot our destruction can offer. Radical Islam is this country's enemy. There is no rational argument to defend acceptance of its philosophy or of its actions.
I totally agree. When will Britain wake up to the threat of Islamic extremists residing here? I cannot abide the way their womenfolk are treated. (See my previous posts regarding my Iranian friend). But I strongly suspect that until the female Islamic members of their community start refusing to accept their status as second class to the males - to say the least!! - then nothing will change.
Lindylou - your comment about second class citizens is completely contrary to my own experience with my several Muslim friends and those with whom I work. The women live in much the same way as I do. We cannot tar all those who follow Islam with the same brush - what happens in Saudia Arabia or Afghanistan is a very different way of life (both for men and women) that what happens in the majority of the rest of the world. My friends and colleagues are not second class citizens, they are born-British citizens with the same rights and responsibilities as their husbands. One size doesn't fit all.
Boxtops, no, one size does not fit all, but it fits many. You don't know the women Lindy is talking about because either they wouldn't want to know you or they wouldn't be allowed to know you.
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I would like to add to that and say that behind closed doors the law of the land is often immaterial.

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Preacher Abu Hamza wins British passport appeal!!

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