X Factor Poppies? in The AnswerBank: Reality TV
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X Factor Poppies?

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1rovert | 01:45 Sun 31st Oct 2010 | Reality TV
6 Answers
I thought it wasa bit much, when Dermot O'Leary was the only one wearing a British Legion Poppy.

With all their money, I would have thought they could have all bought one.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I haven't seen them on sale ?
Why do you need to advertise that you support any particular charity. We all have a choice of who to give money to, why shouldn't they?
Its not advertising a donation, more remembrance of lives lost. Other charities (not that again) have tokens, ribbons, flowers, wrist bands etc.

I would buy a poppy if I could find a seller.
I always refuse to wear a poppy, even though I happily put money in the collecting boxes. That's because I don't believe in commemorating the dead but I'm happy to help the living.

A friend once berated me for not wearing a poppy, despite the fact that I'd put several pounds into each of five separate RBL collecting boxes, yet he happily told me that he'd avoided contributing anything because he was wearing a poppy which someone else had dropped!

Shane Ward wore one on the belt of his jeans!
Check out here


You will see that there are more with poppies than without.

Including three of the judges

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