my best friend has just been around to see me, she passed her driving test last week and she came in her car, I know it sounds silly but I watched her leave and it just made me so jealous, I have to wait a few weeks until my test! I know you will think I'm silly for thinking this but she isn't half as interested about driving as me, she didn't start learning to drive until she was 18 because she didn't really care about it and now I have to watch, and wish that my test would just come sooner. :-( sometimes i wish my mum had given birth to me earlier in the year so that i could be driving at the same time as all my mates and not have to potter round on my 50cc while they all overtake me. :-( 'tis getting to me big style!
I know it sounds like I am whining, which i probably am :-/ but as stupid as it sounds, cars are my passion. enough said lol. ah well, hopefully the time will go pretty quick. :-)
Just thank God that you have the ability and health to be able to drive and take your test.
There are 1,000s out there that never will get that chance due to some sort of illness or disability.
Life is a bitch sometimes benny. Don't fret or let your jealousy show now, you'll be joining them soon. If they are your true friends they will be happy for you, just study the test and stay cool.
he will be taking me on the test route next lesson i think i just want to have a look just to see if there is anything i am likely to forget about and screw up!