Bobbi -what one earth are you on about woman???
Where did YOU come into the equation at all?
Which thread ?? Why would we/I daresay it was about you????
This was DENs thread and even she laughed at the post -I thought DEN had gone blank changing her avatar !!!
Connemmara Question Author
Yep - but I left you a posting elsewhere - forget now
this is the where Conn said she left the post for me Dris
Tell me, will the your guns fall silent please on the 11/11 for one day?
Just so I don't have to respond to your 'posts' on a 'whim' if you know what I mean,
I know you think me saying it is my birthday tomorrow was a 'jelly and ice cream affair, not so, I shall be out enjoying it with my family and friends tomorrow night, even though I may be tempted with the ice cream:-0)
so maybe a truce, if only for tomorrow?
You got it wrong though bobbi.You it would seem were posting about an entirely different thread of which I personally had no knowledge of so my post was absolutely nothing to do with you nor was it about you.Can you just not accept that?