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FAO all men drivers

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bobjugs12 | 10:34 Fri 12th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
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Have you ever noticed that women can't drive and spend too much time worrying about handbags and make-up to concentrate properly



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I think AP spends more time worrying about handbags than we do :-)
FAO All Men Drivers

stop picking your nose!
Why are so many male drivers intent on nostril inspection?
and adjusting yourselves :)
Morning sara!
Question Author
FAO All women drivers, the road in front of you is more important than your hair or make up
I don't wear make-up and I've had the same handbag for the last 3 years. Not quite sure what my excuse is then.
they cause a lot of problems :)
I'm doing about 1000 miles a week at the moment. By far the worst are the male drivers in the van type things with fluorescent markings on the side. Honestly, give them a blue light and they think they own the bloody road. ;)
Bob - your question needs rephrasing. Women can drive and do. That is why I have to keep filling the petrol tank pal! I have all my paper licences (including the provisional) and there is no endorsement on any, nor have I ever been involved in an accident through my many years of driving :o)
It is the majotity of men in there vans and lorries mostly and cars that I see talking on their mobiles.
ttfn ;o)

Mr Jugs, 25 years of blemish free driving here... apart from when the old boy in the Jag rear ended me!
Sara - I fear you have left yourself uncovered for the next remark from a male ABer - nice av though ;o)
"apart from when the old boy in the Jag rear ended me!"

could we keep this about driving please ;-)
ttfn, spot on, lol!

Chuck never lets me down ;o)
You just gotta love 'em, ain't cha?........:0)......
I drove for - well - a very long time, and was fortunate enough not to have had any accidents during that time, but now that my daughter drives me I have to say she makes me cringe and cower into my seat as she combs her hair looking in the rear mirror and actually takes both hands off the wheel. No wonder the passenger seat by the driver is sometimes referred to as the suicide seat. Don't like to criticise as I am female, but in this case I have to. Of course, I may be a back seat driver but . . . . .
I try to avoid driving during the school run times. The sight of a yummy mummy barreling down a residential road in her 4x4 with a mobile pressed to her ear and that fixed stare which indicates that she is locked into her line without regard or even awareness of other road users. Round here even white-van-man quakes during the school run.
I am off the road between 3pm and 6pm. School run and rush hour!
it was def a man this morning who had a mobile clamped to his ear whilst going round a roundabout (in the wrong lane as it turned out) when he failed to indicate and decided to drive right through me.

i will hunt you down and i will run you over several times....

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