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Printer probs

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fbg40 | 20:18 Wed 10th Nov 2010 | Computers
4 Answers
Have a Canon Pixma MP610 and the last couple of times I've tried to use it, I get a message saying "Printer is offline" although it is switched on, so I have re-booted the PC (XP SP3) and then all is fine. Would it be advisable to re-install the software, or update the drivers. If the latter, can someone give me a layman's procedure for doing this please ? Many thanks


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Check your connections between printer and pc. Make sure both are powered off first.
Question Author
Thanks TTG, have already checked this out and all seems fine.
Go to control panel- printers- and select it as default. _ Sorted.
Question Author
Many thanks, will take a "dekko"

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