The FH is away this weekend. Was just getting ready to go out since a friend and I are going "Antique hunting" today and realised FH the fluffing numpty has taken my keys. Hence I can't lock the back door!!!!! Any ideas - apart from killing him?!
I knew there had to be some benefits to OH working away from home (apart from the peace and quiet) -im off to Perth for the day.Key -sorted.Spare key planked just in case-sorted.
Sorry BM but i'll have a nice day and even have a cheeky glass of Vimto in your 'absence' :)
(Seriously though I would be foaming -but thats probably just me -hope you have a good day despite it all :)
I'd show him, phone a locksmith to come & change the front door lock,get new keys then go out, when he gets back before you,he'll be the one who can't get in. Ha,ha,ha.