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Would you rather eat....

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bobjugs12 | 16:02 Thu 11th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
.....a horse sized cheesecake, or a cheesecake sized horse?


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A horse-sized cheesecake. While I have no qualms about the other, I feel the portion size may not satisfy my bat-fasterdness.
horse sized cheesecake obviously! why the weird question anyway? lol
Neither. I don't eat eggs or meat.

Are you hungry, Bob?
where are you going to find a horse sized cheesecake? saying that, where are you going to find a horse that small?!!
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Little bit peckish society. You don't wat meat or eggs???? Remind me not to come to yours for a fry up!
I said I don't eat those things, not I don't cook those things. lol

I'll gladly make you a delicious omelet or whatever meat dish you fancy. ;-)
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Can I have roast minihorse, followed by a 6ft cheesecake then society?
horse sized cheesecake obvious innit
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Would you like fries with that?, lol
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Fries with mayo?
horse tastes better than cheesecake but not as good as coo tastes are missing out big-time.
Most unbaked cheese cakes have no egg in them.

Oh well-more for me.....may I have my horse sized cheese cake please????
I could cope with a cheesecake this size !
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... & sour, with noodles and a glass of Rosé.

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