I have an odd problem with my computer's DVD drive. Model is Pioneer 112D.
When I try to play a DVD, either bought or home recorded, there is a constant pulsing effect on the soundtrack. The video track plays OK. This makes it impossible to listen to any DVD in this drive.
The drive seems to record DVDs OK.
My other drive is the old original CD/DVD combo and this works fine.
System is XP Home + SP3.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Has it always done that. I use (among others) a 115 and that's always been fine. I would 'say' that it could only be the drive, given that a Combo works fine in it. Is the region set ok in the Properties? (Task Manager)
I suppose I would try removing the drive in Task Manager and reboot so that it's found by the OS and installed again first.
I would also check the firmware version in TM and see if there's an update. There was for the 115. Easy to do.
Current 'original' firmware is 1.28
Check against what you see in D Manager and update to try it after drive removal and a reboot.
See here ..
I have upgraded to 1.28 and it has not had any effect. Looks like a new drive for me. I am thinking external on USB. Which makes are considered most reliable nowadays?
Yes .. that's a good point .. Check sound panel for any oddities.
If a desktop, I would not hesitate in swapping the 'internal' drive. I don't like relying on USB .. Can create burning errors (especially if you do audio CD's or DVD's) during burn due to 'events'
Pioneers are highly rated in general. My 115 is good. Is it on IDE or SATA? Sata Samsungs are OK. As are Plextors. Liteons OK but noisy.