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The ring is an heirloom hardly a hand-me-down.
Poor chap will be damned either way. If he went out and bought a sparkler from Argos he would be a "cheapskate", if he went and bought one from Garards he would be accused of having no sympathy in austere times.

Anyway, she's lucky. We've been engaged for a couple of months now and not so much as a ring pull on my finger!!!!
spot on, Prudie.

for some he couldn't have won this one if he'd gone to Argos, given her a curtain ring or bought a new sparkler.

and moan all you like but they were never going to have a small do in the local registry office. he didn't ask to be Royalty, and some pomp and circumstance is expected of the occasion. it goes with the territory.
Barmaid, snap ;o)
Couldnt have put it better prudie and BM - just struggling to find the right words...
I am sick of all this allready!
Please let me know how I can tolerate it till they get shafted(sorry spliced) next year.
I am so underwhelmed!
Invictas, the 2012 Olympics has bored me to death for many years.. some things you just can't get away from!
When i'm underwhelmed I dont post on a thread which is all about the very reason i'm feling underwhelmed :)
i think when charles got engaged to camilla he used a ring that belonged to the queen mother xx

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