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Could You Live Without Central Heating?...or other mod-cons.....

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pastafreak | 23:32 Tue 16th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
And if yes-how would you keep warm...


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When I talk about this and other things with my daughter and grandkids especially when we had to cut up newspaper into squares for the toilet she always says( And I bet you are going to say those were the Good old days) Of course they were.We didn't know anything else.
OH Eck! who invited B00 down south!!! :)

Where I live at the moment is the first place i've lived for ages that has central heating, so although it's nice I'm perfectly used to living without it and could do again if i had to.

I wish I still had an open fire;.
Sort of agree wendilla, though there's some mod cons i deff couldn't do without (lovingly strokes her 'puter).

As a child of the 70's i still had scratchy army blankets on my bed courtesy of my grandma. And like I said uptil a few weeks ago I've never, in all the houses iv'e lived in, had central heating.

Whilst I wouldn't part with most of my mod cons, I can't say i'm overthrilled with the Ch, and I'd go back to doing without again.
I'd quite like one of those stove thingies with doors on the front. As a child we had one of these installed in the tiled fireplace with a back-boiler so the fire heated the water for the house. It burned anything - can't remember the chimney ever blocking - and in the 'winter of discontent' we boiled kettles on it by lifting off one of the top plates.
It was sort of enamelled in a dark, slightly iridescant glaze. Very cozy when it was fired up. And that's how i know how to set a fire properly, which seems to be a dead art now.
lol yeah Chuck, we've got a 5 year plan (in 5 years Mini Boo will be high school age), to do the house up as much as possible, and find jobs and and a house down soufff. Ideally Cornwall, Devon or Poole at a push- Mr Boo's bosses have an office there. I want out of the north, it's a craphole, especially where I live, and I want Mini Boo as far away from it as possible, especially before she brings home a chav boyfriend!
Although I live in the Balearics, it gets very damp and so cold, and although we have air con/cent heating we never use the heating bit as I hate it, we have a lovely Jotul log fire stove which pumps out incredible heat and so warms the whole of the small villa. In fact when we light it for xmas day, we have to sit outside as it gets too hot.
Couldn't live without washing machine, tumble dryer, Sky Tv, microwave, internet and air con, although I have lived here without any of them and without piped water and leccy, thankfully those days are long gone!!!

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