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The Tea Cosy and the Wedding

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joggerjayne | 12:20 Wed 17th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
The Tea Cosy will be in ecstasy for the next year ... a royal wedding !

Tea Cosy tips:

1. Ignore the grumpy reviews. It's a jolly little place.

2. If you are ever in Brighton, you must go for tea. Cross at the traffic lights outside the Pavillion, walk straight up the hill in front of you, and it's on your left. You won't be sorry.


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Aaaaaaaagh! Clutter. Hate it.
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Yes, every inch of the place has got something stuck on the walls.

At home, I hate it too. I'm quite minimalist. I have no ornaments, or anything like that.
We have very few. Looks like Barbra Cartlands favourite tearooms. And i thought you were a lady of some class JJ. Tut. ;-)

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