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answer the following

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zzxxee | 20:23 Wed 17th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
the last person i said i love you to was....
the last lie i told was.....
the last time i felt guilty was.....
the last time i felt proud was.......


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very witty and good Tony ;0)

Dave we could travel through mant barriers as 20stone trcukers
the last person i said i love you to was.... my FH a couple of hours back
the last lie i told was..... the FH earlier when I said there was nothing of interest in the shopping bag (there was, there was his presents, cards and cake)
the last time i felt guilty was..... can't remember
the last time i felt proud was....... shopping earlier today with my step son who was so excited about Dad's birthday and wanted to do so much for him.
Mr Funny
To my boss that I had sent an important email, oh dear
Showing boss fake email that I had drawn up. Very guilty
When my graduate son got the job of his dreams
Doesn't everybody tell lies?

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