Ok so I split with my ex boyfriend 3 yrs ago due tp strain in the relationship regarding us going to separate universities. But this year we met up a few times as we kept finding stuff belonging to each other and we were getting great when we saw each other.
Before the summer he said he wanted to get back with me and I said we should take it slow and not rush things. Suddenly...no contact! By the end of the summer I asked him did he still feel the same and he said that he was over me. I was crushed but felt at least I knew where we stood and tried to move on.
But last w/e we met at a mutual friends birthday and we found it awkward at first but as the drink kicked in we were able to chat. When I left I got a text from him saying "Being honest kinda wouldve like to chat with you...or is it too late? Jus feel I should ask is all" I just presumed he meant a chat so I said 'wat as in chat now?' cause it was 6 in the morning and i wasnt goin back!
But now I feel he might have meant something else...did I read the situation wrong in that text and should I consider getting back with him if I did as he said that he was over me before?
i'd be a bit careful here, when he sees you, it is obviously triggering some old memories (good ones!) and maybe he realises at that point what he is missing. The fact he doesn't seem to try and contact you at any other time would indicate to me that he maybe just wants his cake at his convenience!
Sorry to dampen your spirits but I would wait and see if he contacts you.
By the way, did he answer your last text "wat as in chat now" you haven't really said
My feelings were just that Poison-Ivy so thanks for confirming them! No he never replied so I'm just gonna leave it to him to contact me. Thanks for your help pet!