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Vote for their baby's abortion, or not?

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boxtops | 23:07 Fri 19th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I was appalled to see this in today's Metro....

What do you think? There seems no clinical reason for the decision, only inconvenience.


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That's awful. They certainly do not deserve to have children if they are that flippant about it.
They should never be allowed to have children and should probably be sent to the human decency shop for a refit
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how very sad that they trivialise a childs life in this way
I saw this somewhere else with a link to the Sun where it states that she has recently suffered two miscarriages. If they don't want children why doesn't one of them get sterilised/have a vasectomy or, in their case, both of them to make doubly sure.
if they have the child i hope social services are involved to assess their ability to be parents.
What a dreadful way to decide, they should be ashamed of themselves
In the unlikely event someone here was making such a big decision for such a petty reason would they parade it for the world to see?
People like this would make you despair of humanity.
Ignorant selfish people. :o((((
There were rumours that it was a 'pro-life' stunt - still doesn't make it right though.
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If they can't trust their own judgement-then they do not deserve to have children.What a crass way to handle such a sensitive choice.
what idiots! they have the choice of recieving a blessing of a child, and they r thinking about having an abortion, such idiots! they should of used protection if they wernt gona be ready for the consequences. well they shouldnt have an abortion, they should have the child and find the child a family that would appreciate him/her :)
Ickle Ponjee ! bless ...did you ever read my post SPECIALLY FOR YOU about Whale Rider ???
nah i didnt,sorry. y?
Abortion is a serious subject and these people have trivialised it.

The people that I know that have considered abortion as an option have agonised over the decision at great length. This sort of action/stunt just stirs up the placard wielding weirdos outside the abortion clinics in the US.
Well here it is Ponjee - never too late :-)

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Vote for their baby's abortion, or not?

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