Hi shelby, yes I did watch it but some of it just didn't add up for me. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, it's obviously horrific for those being 'kidnapped' for want of a better word, but I couldn't understand how the husband had a camera phone although the reason his wife had been trafficked was because the country is so poor. I think it could have been done even better from a different angle - I mean the pimp that wound up with 5 years community service was admitting to what he was doing, and had no shame. It's obvious that they have people 'on the inside' working for them, but surely there is some sort of human rights legislation they could get them on if they are part of Europe? Rather than seeing a wild goose chase of one man trying to find his wife, when an estimated 500,000 women are trafficked a year I would have liked to have seen what the authorities were tryingto do about it (UK included). Hopefully, though it will have raised awareness of the plight of these poor women (and I assume probably children and men too) and that could maybe help in some way.