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What type of chips do you have with your Fish?

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Sqad | 12:26 Mon 22nd Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Oooooh! I love crinkled chips......yeah!.......yummmmmmy!


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Question Author long as you don´t bring it´s bleedin parents as well.

what are you like?.....:0)

Fat chunky ones, with salt and vinegar btw
Definitely not..... if you saw my son's girlfriend you'd be slavering, and that's not an attractive look for an old(er) man - she looks like Myleen Klass.

You concentrate on me love :-)
Chippy shop chips. I can't stand oven chips. the only other chips I like are the ones I make myself in a shallow frying pan.

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What type of chips do you have with your Fish?

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