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BT don;t exactly instill confidence in anyone

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dotty. | 15:26 Mon 22nd Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
From 2 weeks ago, BT were offering a 50% reduction to existing broardband customers which included the free evening and weekend calls option, so I ran them and they said it would be fine and they would sort it out etc etc. They are also offering a 3 month half price on existing BTVision customers which they also agreed to sort out
2 weeks later, they've still not been able to sort it out as their system is down and has been for while,
They should get Chuck in to sort it out tut


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chucks still trying to sort his avatar
They cut off long distance and intl calls without notifying my mother yesterday....turns out that they have 'lost' a cheque that was sent for a replacement cheque for her September bill. It wasnt my mother whose memory is getting dodgier by the day as I saw her wrote it and posted the envelope for her.......

After moaning about this, normal service was resumed just a few minutes ago....

Makes me wonder if it is a deliberate ploy to get her over to DD but certainly more hassle all around. Can Chuck sort this out too?

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BT don;t exactly instill confidence in anyone

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