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ed's xmas prezzie

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zzxxee | 12:38 Mon 22nd Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Its 23.59pm on xmas eve .
The only place open is the 24 hour garage that sells next to nothing what would you buy the answerbank ed for his xmas prezzie?
I would go for the slightly curled up turkey salad sarnie in the fridge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Gallon of unleaded and a box of Swan Vesta. :-))

Martyrdom is 'the new black' y'know.
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thats naughty naz x
Seems everything else had been bought before I got here ... :-(
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lol xx
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dotty did buy the whole garage didnt she
I'd buy him a Ralph Mctell CD with 'Streets Of London' on it.....PLUS a full years membershp to the 'Docspock appreciation society' :0)

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ed's xmas prezzie

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