Pretty much that. Zainab was supposed to have married the man who's turned out to be Afia's (i.e. Tamwar's GF) father. But she had an affair with 'Maz' Masood, whom she saw as glamorous and dashing (well ... yeah, I know). When the other bloke's family found out, they poured oil over her and set light to her, hence the scars on her body that she never talks about. It was Maz who rescued her, but the other bloke claims he tried too (showed her scars on his own back to prove it) but was pulled back by his family.
He'd gone round to try and talk to her before the two families met up, and when Maz walked in he let fly and started throwing punches at the guy. Quite right too, because I don't trust the bloke at all.
Actually, I like Maz. Always saw him as a level-headed, honest and sensible sort of chap, so I really do hope he's not going to be stupid enough to fall for Jane's charms. Not that Zainab exactly deserves him, whatever she's been through.