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Why the fuss?

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R1Geezer | 15:58 Thu 25th Nov 2010 | News
18 Answers
he speaks the truth, it's a career move these days!


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Here we go again

1/ Right wing politician makes outrageous statement

2/ Said right wing politician is forced to apologise by predictable angry response

3/ Right wing parrots start squawking "He's only talking the truth" "It's PC/Liberal agenda" etc. etc.
Question Author
4/ lefties start moaning because they don't like the truth or rather they do but they don't like others to angry about it.
Don't you think that claiming "the truth" simply by pointing at someone who echoes your point of view is a little jeuvenile?

I thought you were better than that
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jake it's plain as day that the current system encourages breeding in the work shy. No doubt about it. To get pilloried for saying so seems a little harsh. Why should he apologise for saying what we all know is true?
It was a stupid thing to say even if it's largely correct . Many working families have workshy neighbours and understandably resent it .
The biggest families in my area are living on benefits and don't go short of anything . They all have cars and foreign holidays. Where do I live ? Working class Slough where anyone can get a job if they really want one. No I'm not a T
No I'm not a Righty a Tory or a Liberal . I'm just saying what working people have said for years.
I would hate to have a brain the size of a lentil!
Like yours.
Let’s have a think here.

[Scenario One]

Family A lives on a single reasonable wage (say £40k). Father has a bad back but manages to hold down a reasonable job, even though his back gives him ”gip” sometimes. Mother used to work but gave up when she had her first child. They live in a house which they are buying on a mortgage. You could say they are “Middle Class”. They have two children, and would like three more. If they do so, they will have to move to a larger house, and probably need a second or larger car. They will have three more mouths to feed. They will have three more school uniforms to buy, etc. etc. Apart from an increase in Child Benefit (soon to be withdrawn from families with a single income in excess of £40k) their income will remain static. They have to pay for school meals, as well as prescriptions and eye tests for the adults, They pay income tax, National Insurance (soon to go up) and full Council Tax. Lots of other things spring to mind but there’s no space. In short they decide they cannot afford to expand their family.
[Scenario Two]

Family B lives on benefits. They live in a house which is paid for by Housing Benefit. Father has a bad back and has decided he is too ill to work. Mother had her first child at fifteen and has never worked. One of their children has asthma and mother receives Carer’s Allowance. You could say they are “Benefit Scroungers”. They have two children, and would like three more. If they do so, they will be rehoused as their family expands with no rent to pay. They will receive an increase in benefits as they have three more mouths to feed and three more school uniforms to buy, etc. etc. No doubt one of the younger children will need extra care for which an allowance will be payable. They will receive additional Child Benefit which will not be taken from them. They do not have to pay for school meals, prescriptions or eye tests for the adults. They pay no income tax, no National Insurance and get full Council Tax rebate. Lots of other things spring to mind but there’s no space. In short they decide that there will be little if any impact on their finances. If anything they will be better off. What do they decide?

Does that put my brain on par with modeller’s?
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A completely accurate assessment New Judge. That's precisely what happens. Well said.
A wonderful summation New Judge - absolutely spot-on.

I can't understand why the Jake's of the world either don't believe this is what happens or refuse to believe it.

We live in an absurd system where the workshy are rewarded and have more money than many hard working families.

Can anybody imagine going to their boss and asking for an increase in salary becuase they have decided to have another child? You'd be laughed at.
Question Author
So invictas, you're stupid if you don't like giving free money to workshy scum. Or did I mis understand you? Perhaps you can enlighten us mere mortals.
What if he had said ...

The middle classes will start breeding like rabbits, and the working classes won't be able to afford to do so.

Would the middle classes have been outraged?

Or is it only the working classes who are a bit sensitive?
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The middle classes are more educated and sensible to know how many kids they can afford, the people on benefits know the government will look after them, unfortunately.
No answer from early retired Invictas I see.

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