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I know I shouldn't laugh

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Polly1958 | 13:40 Sat 27th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
In the obituries in our local paper a lady called Molly Codling has died.


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aw nooooo........imagine knowing that folk will try not to laugh when you die (not that she'll care but you know what i mean)
Sometimes, I wonder if Nora Bone is still with us
I think I would have kept my maiden name...
hahahah -think I would have as well ttfn :))
Hahaha ttfn, took me a while to get that!
my old college tutor Russell Sprout must be knocking on a bit now
A bloke I went out with years ago was called Barry Gotobed, I soon dumped him.

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Did she die of embarrassment?
My mum once nursed a gentleman named Gordon Bennett
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According to, there's a poor little 5 year old in Essex called Isaac Hunt!

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I know I shouldn't laugh

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