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To sleep or not to sleep

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milly143 | 23:58 Sat 27th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Have a minor dilemma. B/F is out in Oxford with a friend and I am supposed to be picking him up from the bus stop when he comes back. Problem is this could be a good couple of hours yet and I'm feeling a little sleepy. Do I go to sleep now and wait until the phone call wakes me up then get up and drive there to pick him having only just woken up or do I just stay awake and wait. There is always the possibility that he will just end up staying at his friends in Oxford for the night, although I doubt he is that brave at the moment.


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Didn't mean his time out was extended, just the amount of time I will wait up for him to reply to my text.
is your ear any better tonight milly ?
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My ear? If you mean the blocked thing, that was better a while ago. If you mean the lump, I only posted that about 2 hours ago so no improvement I'm afriad. :o)
I have the same problem milly with my other half. I'm getting to know my half-sister though so I don't mind staying up! x
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Glad I'm not the only one Caj. Sounds like an interesting evening for you too.
No, there's probably loads of women waiting on their other halfs getting in lol! Yep, interesting but good :o)
Did you pick him up?

I would have.
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In case anyone is interested what I did.... he sent me a text saying as it was getting late he was better of staying there so I went to bed then at 3.30 this morning he crawled in having paid 30 quid for a taxi back because he decided he wanted a cuddle in the morning. Suited me perfectly.

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To sleep or not to sleep

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