why do cooks and cook books all have to include garlic in nearly all savoury recipes these days, my dear one hates the smell and taste of it, and I am alergic, it can make me really ill, what makes them think everyone loves the horrible stuff, are we alone in hating it? I know we can leave it out of things cooked at home, but have you tried to buy a cook in or pasta sauce with out having to read the tiny printed list of ingredients? we have to take a magnifying glass shopping with us, and when we went out for a meal, a rare treat these days, we met some very odd looks when we asked if there were any garlic in our chosen meal.
because a lot (most) of us like it. I do, however, ask my dinner guests if they dislike/cant eat anything before preparinga meal. I have a huge aversion to bananas which is not only physical but also psychosmatic....the warning system kicks in!
It's a "love it or hate it" thing. Personally I like it, principally for its effect in warding offf infections. I regularly used to get 3 or 4 colds a year which invariably developed into nasty chest infections. I have never had one again since I started eating a clove of raw garlic per day. I appreciate that that might be too much for some people.
I take the processed option, I don't think I could stomach a clove, but a capsule does me very well!
Cecil I sympathise, one of the drawbacks of processed food I guess - it's very popular as a flavour enhancer.
The reason why you see so much of ' the horrible stuff' is because the British have developed a love for cuisines that make good use of it,and always have.That's why it will be in restaurant food....try going to a French,Italian or Indian,and expecting no garlic-you are asking the impossible. I guess the only way to steer clear of it is to stick to meat and two veg.
Its all to do with the french, we thoroughly thrashed them in every war they waged upon us then had to get their country back for them when they capitulated when the
germans told them that they had 'live and very, very dangerous kiddies sparklers' in their armoury!! their revenge was garlic, guaranteed to destroy any well cooked dish at a stroke!!!! Prudentia xxx