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What to do....

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_sophie_ | 18:18 Mon 29th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
when you are stuck in your house because school has been cancelled because of the snow?!
First of all, is it not a bit silly to shut it because the snow is only going to get worse so are they saying it's going to be closed the whole of December? Not that I mind being off, but I just get bored and we're missing out on alot of coursework..
Anyway, so what can I do?
I pretty much watched tv today and baked fairy cakes.. yaya! Maybe I should learn to juggle or something? Hmmmm.


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Schools have to close at the slighest sign of snow because the health And Safety Regulations leave them open to a battery of legal cases if anyone slips over on school premises, so it's simply easier to close.

You have internet - the world is your oyster - get exploring - simply Google your favourite book or period in history, and away you go.
no...go out and make some fresh footprints (fun!); throw snowballs (funner!); and make a snowman (ace!). s'what i do...and i'm 34...x
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Sophie, I would go on the internet, as if you were at school, and find out as much about your specialist subjects as you can. You could also get together with other school colleagues who live near you, and make yourself a study group - help each other out. Don't waste the time, it's precious!
Break out the sledge ! That's what I do if it snows (and I'm older than 34 !)
LOL, a friend of mine got 'busted' by the family he was staying with in America because he built an 'anatomically accurate' snowman.
Have you got a course syllabus or can you get one? easy then to tailor your internet work.
Spend time on AB. ;-)
AP, I went to the Post office on my way home, there is a toyshop next door and the PO was stacked out with sledges in bags, which people had bought over the internet!
pinkilady said 'tanning'...omg-that just does not bear thinking about in this weather......(pasta rolls eyes)

Me-I'd get out all the books that I've 'been meaning to read'....and get stuck in

But if I were your age Sophie-I'd use the time for a combination of play out in the snow, and making sure I got ahead on my coursework...impress them when you get back!
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Well....I guess it goes well with the fox........
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do the house work, do the ironing, cook the tea... then sit back and contemplate the simplicity of being female
Think the answers in your OP sophie -youre stuck in the house because of the adverse conditions.
You wont be stuck in the house the whole of December-we have all just been caught short with this- the councils etc wil be on top of it within a day or so.
So -my advice is stay cosy and enjoy -cos i can guarantee in a couple of days you'll be wishing the schools would be shut again:)
One assumes that he didn't use the carrot for the nose, then, AP.
well said Andy-Hughes. With the advent of the internet comes a whole new world of learning. I'm convinced in 8 hours with my daughter and what my minimal knowledge can teach her will be a whole lot more than a day at school.
Indeed no Mike ;-) ..and as for the two lumps of coal, no they didn't become eyes.

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