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Seeing dead people in your dreams.

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MickyMacgraw | 13:27 Fri 26th Nov 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
44 Answers
I had a dream the other night and in it was my cousin that passed away a few years back, the funny thing is everything was normal in the dream and it was only when I awoke that I obviously knew he was passed away. Why wasn't I aware that he was dead in the dream? Have any of you ever seen a passed one in a dream, Did you know they were really dead or was you like me unaware until you awoke? If you were aware that they were really dead, did you ask them questions, as in where are they now? I've never heard of anyone saying that they seen a dead loved one in a dream and that they talked to them, have you?


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i have dream dictionarys u should buy one and take a note when u wake up...they say if u can relate the dream to anything that happened in ur day before its not a message? were you talking of him or something? i see dead family in my dreams...hopefully it is a message for ya xx
birdie i have never looked in depth but on tv i watched sylvia brown or browne cant remember pinpoint missing people, where their bodies are etc etc. youve probs seen it if you have looked into it but i thought id just pass it on anyhow!!! also psychic sally i listend to her once online things such as is biggie smalls dead is tupac dead is elvis blah blah and there was a page of things she had
Yes, my father has been in a couple of my dreams recently though he died 6 years ago. Don't remember him talking.

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