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Pinch and a punch

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Answerprancer | 01:17 Wed 01st Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
..for the first of the month (and baggy no returns) !


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Is that a regional thing, I wonder, AP?

I was brought up in East Anglia and I never heard of it until I went to college in Sheffield.
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..nope, just high on life !!! (not)
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White rabbits to all !!♥♥
... t'was (and possibly still is, unless guns & bling have taken over) a popular saying in the S.E. all through my childhood.

The usual retort being, ''a punch and a kick for being so quick'', but the 'no returns' usually saves you from a bruising.
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I picked the expression up at school in the 1970s South East.
So probably - yes.
... that's why try to avoid going to the S.E. now.
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Oops..took to long posting. Very good ...what he ^ said (Naz).
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Pinch and a punch

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