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sp1814 | 22:07 Mon 29th Nov 2010 | News
13 Answers
If you have time, have a look at 'Coppers' on CH4 right now.



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I mean UAF not UDF!
Watching Accused on BBC1. Might catch
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Actually - don't bother. I thought it'd be illuminating.

So isn't.
-- answer removed --
Ah, at least we uncovered Gromit's spurious post in Suggs. lol
It was a good show, it demonstrates the problem with extremists and why they need to be marginilised.
The U.A.F people who got lifted tickled me, "he wasn't a very nice person", aw boo hoo.

/// If you have time, have a look at 'Coppers' on CH4 right now ///

/// Actually - don't bother. I thought it'd be illuminating.///

I thought this was brilliant here is sp telling us to watch it, CH4 and all that, bound to show the EDL in a bad light.

And then when he found it contrary to what he expected, and it showed the UAF to be the predoment 'bully boys', the shout came no, no, don't bother to watch it.

I watched it and the majority of the EDL were just like a load of placid sheep and were controlled by the police very well, and there seemed to be a good spirit shown between the police and the EDL.

That was until the hoards of young Asians joined the 'Red Brigade', heckling the EDL, this obviously set the EDL counter taunting the UAF.

What was interesting though was the fact that although 52 UAF arrests were made, and only 18 EDL arrests, it did not show any UAF being struck with police batons, and bundled into the police vans, these scenes were limited solely for EDL members only.

Why was this I wonder? I can only assume that it would have been a little too sensitive to show Asians treated in such a way.

Thank you anyway for posting this sp, I was going to do the same, but I thought I might be shouted at for posting a non news question in the 'News Topics', you know what they are like "this belongs in the TV topics".would have been the cry.
Or "history dear boy."
The E.D.L were shown being beaten back at the end, as were the B.N.P and N.F.
The police briefing described them as football hooligans with links to Combat 18.
The U.A.F members are by nature anti establishment, the police represent the establishment to them, fools that they are.
The crowd control looked very similar to a football match, something the E.D.L members seemed familiar with (reference the chants) anyone who has been to a match knows how to approach and deal with the police, or face the consequences.
What was telling though was the banner saying "Muslim no problem" contrasted by an E.D.L marcher saying with great invective "no more filthy Mosques!"
Personally, I would never want to share a pavement with such a man or suuport his views in any way.
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I see you're adding clairvoyance to your list of personal qualities.

I stopped watch because all I saw was EDL thugs shouting their usual racist chants, and then the UAF playing the 'poor us' card.

Wasn't as good as 'BNP Wives' which was a much more thoughtful and insightful documentary.
No doubt the program would have mainly focused on the ironically named UAF, a bunch of far-left embarrassing cretins and criminals thugs that routinely assault anyone including police officers and are the main cause of absolute mayhem and disorder.
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It was pretty even-handed...showed the origins of some of the EDL members too - BNP, NF, football hooligans and a few coke dealers thrown in for good luck.

/// It was pretty even-handed...showed the origins of some of the EDL members too - BNP, NF, football hooligans and a few coke dealers thrown in for good luck.///

It would seem you are in possession of a much better crystal ball than mine, for example I had no use of a crystal ball to see that you quickly changed your tack, because the documentary did not show the EDL in the bad light that you expected, that much is obvious to anyone without a preconceived agenda.

But lets get back to your crystal ball, how did it see BNP supporters, NF supporters, football hooligans, and coke dealers, were they so labelled?

No crystal ball needed here, to realise these are the results of a vivid preconceived imagination, of a person who only wants to gets his own twisted preconceptions over to the more gullible posters on this site.
The following is from a police blog:-

"1. At last a media outlet showed that the UAF are worse than the various right wing groups. Known almost exclusively to police officers for years due to a wall of Guardianista silence, the truth is now out, all be it in a small way."

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