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Weather Reversal?

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stewey | 20:45 Thu 02nd Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
It really seems strange to be sitting here in Ontario and reading about your stories of the snow-falls over there. Some of you appear to have been quite inudated with the stuff: usually, it's the other way around. Where I am, in the Toronto area, we have nothing. About 30/40 miles north they have lots of it; however, here just rain. But we'll get dumped upon at some time in the near future! Anyway, carry on and cope, and don't be sending any over here!...Cheers.


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It's extraordinarily cold, we usually get these sub-zero temps. in February, most unusual
anyway, I'm having sticky toffee puddin with hot custard to warm me up!
It all due to global warming.
scotland get snow most years................the minute it hits "the south" every6one is
...and the green people. ;-)
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Just imagine how much colder it would be if it wasn't for 'Global Warming':)
Hmmm can you imagine....?
This snow fall is early, I don't remember getting this much snow before Christmas. I just hope we can get rid of it soon, and not get it in Jan/February as usual.
Stewey I knew people who lived in Winnepeg, they used to send photos of the snow piled up in front of their house. They were real snow storms.
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There's one good thing: in about 18 days, or so, daylight starts to get longer.
I never thought of that stewey, we are still tied to the Daylight Saving lark here. Do you have to observe that sort of thing in your part of the world?
LOL...that thought gives me hope every year...Dec 21 arrives...and spring is getting closer.

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Hi, Gran. It's nothing to do with clocks. After the Winter Solstice, the sun starts to get higher in the sky thus giving more daylight. Of course we don't notice the difference for quite a few weeks; but, it's nice to know it's happening:)

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