My Jelous Friend in The AnswerBank: Relationships & Dating
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My Jelous Friend

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GleekyBoo | 23:41 Thu 02nd Dec 2010 | Relationships & Dating
13 Answers
I have a friend called Mary and we've been friends for years. But this year she's been extremely annoying!! She is jelous of my best friend Kate. She follows her around and writes to her and hardly ever writes to me anymore. I don't like Mary any more and i want to end our friendship once and for all. Kate is an extremely great friend but she likes Mary even though she tells me she doesn't. I know Mary wants me out of the way so she can be friends with Kate alone. So I want to end it, but i don't know if i should. I have a part time job with Mary and her Mum is my boss. I hate the job too because she is there but the money is good. Also i'm afraid of looseing Kate. She said she'll always be on my side no matter what way this goes but i don't want to put her in that position were she has to choose between friends. I can't talk to Mary about it as she is the loud sort who would talk about it behind my back and only embaress me. Its been going on for a year now and i'm so depressed and upset. I have 3 more years left at school before i leave for college so i can't just let it go on. What should i do?
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Just keep your head down & do the work your paid for; you'll grow out of conflicts with friends.
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Thank you. But honestly I can't. I've taken so much crap from Mary that I hate even sitting down beside her in class. I talked to Katie tonight and she promisesme that she is with me 100% of the way. But its the direction i need to take that I'm confused about. Does anyone know what i should i do?
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link pinkies and say "make friends, make friends.....aaahhhhhhhhhh
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Haha guys i appreciate your effort but it's easier said than done. I've been getting bullied by this b1tch for a long time now and today i've hit breaking point when i saw something she wrote to another friend on a site she thought i wasn't on (about me) I don't know what to do? :( I've talked to Kate an hour ago and she's decided to go for a coffee tomrrow at lunch and discuss how were going to do this. But we've been over it a million times. I've had enough and I just want to punch Mary!!! ha ha
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Thanks!! I think thats what I'm going to tell Kate tomrrow. (about the makeing different friends not punching her) Kate is different though she won't want me to leave her. I know she's going to want to come with me and p1ss off without Mary too. She is actually great i just feel bad feeling like i'm makeing her choose.Its all so comlicated. Hopefully this time we stick to it and not just say things that don't actualy get done. I'll post what happens at lunch!! :D
if that's all you've got to worry about you're lucky. Virtual friends are less troublesome & dont expect coffee.
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what?? no they arent virtual friends?? We have been friends for 10 years in real life :(

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