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FAO chuck

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Sqad | 11:05 Fri 10th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I have looked and looked at your avatar, but could you perhaps explain it to me?


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It looks like a drunk Santa slumped against the wall with his hat over his bits...
Question Author
Hi ummmm.....well that seems reasonable.......although I didnt see that interpretation.
As ummmm says, it's a drunk santa.

That has reminded me, it is time for a change I think, had this one for a few days now.
Question Author
chuck....yes.....I can see it now.
it's the 4th in this selection
-- answer removed --
Lovely bibble, I really laughed at that. Looks as if the only ones having a good time were the Santas, and lucky that his hat was over his bits, judging by some of the rest of them.

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FAO chuck

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