What would you tell the BBC's Director General if you had a chance? For example, I'd say Matt Dawson is boring and ugly and should be taken off A Question Of Sport? Put Arlene back on Strictly, but drop old Boag. Please take loathsome Chris Evans, Fiona Bruce and Gaby Logan off all programmers as of immediate effect. Please no more hammy acting from the likes of Amanda Mealing, Kwame, and Samantha Bond.
If I had a chance, I would like to discuss the issue of the TV Licence with him. Their constitution bans advertising. Is it time to get revenue from adverts and sponsorship, and reduce the high cost of the licence? The BBC still produces some stunning documentaries and plays - but I've always thought it odd that they advertise books etc being sold as BBC spin-offs, so they already advertise themselves.
As post #1, get some damn adverts on there. The gaps are already in the programmes, fill 'em with other people's ads instead of your own. It's not value for money the way it is, IMVHO.