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O Yaah O Yaah.X Factor winner predictions.Winner gets immunity from suspensions for a year!!!!

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Dris | 18:07 Sun 12th Dec 2010 | Film, Media & TV
40 Answers
Its what you THINK will happen not what you hope.NO personal jibes towards contestants will be accepted and my word is final -just remember they are all someones child-I thank you:)

Winner -One Direction
Runner up -Rebecca
Third -Matt

Lot at stake here.............Ed has sanctioned this.....................( im in so much trouble lol)


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4get noooooooooo -you dont get me (that wasnt a typo just an exagerration btw.)
It was the have you been drinking?
I was trying to keep 2 threads flowing (I know I didnt have to) speak to my husband on the phone and then speak to my daughter and ....well I thought i'd done OK lol
B00 -I wasnt being aggresive but I take exception to someone I dont know at all just posting a comment' have you been drinking' no smilie nothing and dont say it wouldnt have tee'd you off if it was stranger as it would have.Forget my bleeding typos -I dont preview -i dont have time -I havent previewed this and I wont aarrgghh -cant believe that people dont get me seriously -wish my mates and AB pals would verify I am the least aggresive perosn youd ever meet in your worries if thats your perceptions with a couple of typos then what can I do?
off to watch and enjoy xx
Rebecca and a tie for second public will be asked to vote again
But you do know 4 Get, albeit cyberly?

Anyhoo, yes, off to watch it myself now. Have a good one :-)
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it wasnt about the 2 threads, I hadnt seen the other one, I put have you been drinking because of the wording before. I dont see why you not knowing me has anything to do with it, it wasnt a personal question it was a joke. as I said I'd have said it after anyones post. so sorry I didnt put a smilie, but I'm sure most on here knew it was a joke, you need to calm down and not take things to heart, it really wasnt meant that way.
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yes B00 and anyone that does know me albeit cyberly knows it was a joke. So I've said sorry I've explained why I put it so end of. I have more important things to worry about in life.
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Dont know her at all B00 even cyberly.Enjoy :)
Dont do a MarkRae on me 4get I was just having a bit of fun -im not a great thread poster/maintener I was just trying to have a laugh thats all-im sorry if I took exception to your random not drunk I just post and dont spell check ever (although i did preview there lol).I ams o chilled and happy that I wouldnt take anything to heart-seriously -nice place to be
Back on track:Its not gonna be Matt wyz anyway despite my best efforts someone has posted another thread as mine has a wee bit of a niggle in it so i'll graciously bow out -thanks to all who who contributed in the spirit intended:)
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Its all cool beans Dris x
sorry dris, i didnt mean to step in with another thread, id not read this one until just now..

i think it has a lot to do with the songs they sing on the night that gets the voters voting dont you.
so far ive not been too impressed with the song choices tonight, so ive not been swayed yet,
i wouldnt be surprised if one direction wins it, and good on em if they do,
i wouldnt mind seeing matt win though ... :o)
I thought Rebecca was bloody fantastic....
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Dont think so Wyx -popular chloice but he wont win :)

I dont know you 4get so it was random posting which didnt intimate a joke.Now we have 'crossed' paths we can appreciate each others style of posting without offence:)

Rebecca -wowsee !!!
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Aw looby dont worry im not good at maintening threads -one phone call and im off lol
4get im sorry -I dont mind when I am p!ssed but i was just trying to do my best (on this occasion) and i'm so not -just didnt see anyone starting a thread so I thought I would -im sorry and as far as im concerned it was an AB blip :) x
Ditto Crafty -its the voting public tho......
no worries
am i the only one who doesny care who wins, i will just sit and listen to real singers dean martin, bobby darin, matt munro♥♥♥
have any of them sung yet I've been distracted
oh no one direction :( :'(
no dotty they are all dead♥♥♥
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O Yaah O Yaah.X Factor winner predictions.Winner gets immunity from suspensions for a year!!!!

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