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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:49 Sun 12th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Sunday morning. There is thick fog lurking about this morning. No frost though, so it's not icy.


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wrap up warm dr f !!! it is a tad warmer here today !!
thick woolly underpant weather is back :)
We have had a thaw up here in the frozen waste that is Scotland, there are still mountains of snow dumped around the pavements and road side as well as in my garden, will take a while for that to go... no fog but very frosty this morning.
morning murraymints you have had it bad up there
time to go bye all have a good day x
have a nice day zzxxee
Sure have Dr F thoughr we had a bad one last year but this is worse ! Back patio sliding doors frozen shut, ice creeping in around the edges of front door making it difficult to get out, icicles 5 feet long hanging from eaves, np papers, mail, bresd, milk or fresh produce in the local shop .... even Sainsburys in the next decent sized town ran out of fruit and veg !! Wish I were a Polar Bear .. fall asleep for a few months ..wake up in the Spring.. AND be nice and skinny !!
if you ever want a scan of a crossword ( i have a few ) just ask
Many thanks Dr F. Hope to ge tmy MOS today, crosssies seem to keep me sane in this chaos !!
morning all, a bright cold mornng down here in Dover, a promise of sun on the horizon. I must get the decs up today!
morning boxtops
Sorry for the EXTREMELY late reply to your question from this morning xxzzee, she's 6 (going on 60). Yes it's such a lovely innocent time.

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Good morning early birds!

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