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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:05 Mon 13th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
It's Monday and another week begins. Only 8 days to the shortest day. No sooner will get up and it will be time to go to bed again! :-}

Have a happy day everyone.


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murraymints, they do like to search your property to check your equipment but you are under no legal obligation to let them .
i have no equipment set up at present but i will be doing soon, they don't bother me . just laugh at them and ignore the nasty letters they send me.
good morning all :)
Good Morning zeee, hope you are well after the Xmas shopping trip in the crowds yesterday
I'm OK thanks Bobbi , to be honest it wasn't to bad , not that busy. I got all that i needed to get , so all in all a good trip .

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Good morning early birds!

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