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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:31 Tue 14th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Tuesday. A little bit of frost this morning. The downward slope to snow by the end of the week ;-{

Have a happy day everyone ;-}


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right time to get dressed and sorted for the day
have a good one all bye xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wor, yes please, wbm - my other option looks like a banana!
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Have a happy day zzxxee. xxxxx

coming right up boxy!
Yum yum, forage forage <<licking sauce off chin>> - coo, that was good, wbm, thank you!
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My pleasure. xxx
Morning all. Bit frosty in Hereford this morning, but I'm hoping it won't turn out as forecast. Anyway, there's plenty of tea in the pot and mini mince pies if anybody fancies one a little later. :-)
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Morning NM. I'm on my way!!!

See you all anon. :-}
Morning, wbm, dr filth, everybody!

Not too cold this morning and hard to believe we're gonna get more of the white stuff this weekend.
Morning all ! milder here but still cold. Would you believe I am expecting a man today to arrange solar panels for me ? seems rather incongruous in view of current conditions !

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Good morning early birds!

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